Friday, September 23, 2005

The D in "Duo" is for Destruction


Batman and Robin are the most famous crime fighting duo in history. Their strengths compliment each other perfectly. Batman's intelligence and power is balanced by Robin's wit and speed. When they fight as one, evil dooers beware. It has come to my attention that for this reason, people have often looked down on Batman saying that he needs a sidekick to get things done. Unfortunately, they could not have been more wrong.

You see, unlike every other super hero, Batman and Robin have to face countless henchmen plus the villian(s). When was the last time superman fought a small army by himself with the same basic potential? In other words, since superman has all his powers, when was the last time he fought a whole horde of supermen? You see, Batman faces off daily against goons trained in fighting and with some pretty cool gadgets like him (ever see the Book Worm's magnet gun?) But, do you see other super heroes doing this? The answer is no.

Could Batman take down 1 villian and his henchmen? With all certainty, probably yes. But, how about 2 or 3 villians? The odds become tougher. Enter the Boy Wonder. Combinded, Batman and Robin are enough to take down a horde of evil dooers while Ol' caped butt Clark Kent is too busy going, "WAAAAH! Lex gave my enemy (singular) some kryptonite! I don't know how to win! WAAAAAH!" Maybe Kent should take a leaf out of Batman's book and learn the power of the Dynamic duo instead of spending his time whinning. At the end of the day, it's just occured to superman he needs to use a lead suit to save the city while Bruce and Dick are sipping milk at Wayne Manor humbling observing the city they helped save. I rest my case.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...
