Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Knock Out Gas


This neferous gas has thwarted Batman and I multiple times. For those of you who do not know what knock out gas is, it's name implies its action. A villian will spray Batman and I with it to render us immoble and him free to either escape or put us in a death trap (that always seems to be happening.) However, after this has happened to us multiple times, Batman and I use the advanced science labratories in the bat-cave to come up with pills that render each kind of knock out gas ineffective on us. Thus, the villian is in for a sure surprise when he tries to gas us again!

Now, how does this relate to our movies? Simply, the form of knock out gas has changed through the episodes. When Batman and I were filming episode 1, we did not have a large budget and were pressed for time. Thus, our knockout gas became baby powder, squeezed out of a tube in someone's face. Episode 2 saw a slight upgrade, flour (which I got a good sizeable amount straight to the face. My old costume still has flour stains on it). However, episode 3 and 4 is where Joey and I broke down and bought a fog machine to give it that actual gassy look. It was quite satisfying for the derivative to raise his arm...er sheet, and spray us with some gassy substance which induced much coughing and caused us to collapse (unfortunately for me, Batman actually collapsed on my head during one take)

Unfortunately, we were unable to figure out a way to make the gas multicolored as in the TV show. For a while, we contimplated buying fireworks but this proved to be expensive as any fireworks vendor required us to buy 50 dollars of product before actually selling us 10 dollar smoke bombs. Batman and I even went on a small adventure to Phantom Fireworks in PA to try and get some cheaper. But, that my friends, is the topic for our next post.



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